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Janus No 39

Janus No 39

Janus No 39

Janus No 39
English | PDF | 64 Pages | 67 MB

Wendy East was a hugely popular model who appeared in the pages of Janus twice back in 1985. Her first appearance in Janus 39 alongside Sarah Denton saw both girls called to the office of Arthur Jardine – head of a renowned corrective institution for sixth form girls. Wendy receives a sound caning and the photo story captures some excellent impact shots and a well-marked bottom. The colour plates in this issue are superb and would make Janus 39 a collector’s item on their own. Check out the image on page 4 – bending forward, Wendy looks over her shoulder at Mr Jardine flexing the cane as a shocked Sarah Denton looks on.

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